Saturday, 28 April 2007

You can switch your identity in incredimail.

Do you hate sharing your Inbox with the whole family? Do you feel it infringes on your privacy? Well, IncrediMail has just the solution for you! The "Multiple Identity" platform keeps everyone out of your email space by enabling every single one of your family members their own private IncrediMail environment. By opening a "New Identity", each individual can enjoy their own private Inbox, Address Book, Signature, etc. It's like having several IncrediMail programs on your PC for the price of one download - and it's free! All you have to do is select "Identities" from the File menu, enter a name and click "OK". Before you know it, a new IncrediMail environment will be registered on your PC without interfering with your own. You can even open another identity for yourself if you want to.
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