If you are unable to use one or more of your Premium features despite having entered your registration codes, please do the following:
- Right-click the IncrediMail Tray Icon (orange envelope), located in the lower right corner (near the computer clock) and select 'Exit'.
- Double-click the 'My Computer' icon on your Desktop and browse to: C:\Program Files\IncrediMail\bin\Licenses\ Note: If you installed IncrediMail in a different location, browse to that location.
- Delete the 'IM_PREM.imk' and 'IM_LTWIZ.imk' files.
- Open IncrediMail, click the 'Help' menu, select 'Enter Registration Codes...', enter your registration code in the relevant field and click 'Enter'.
- You can now continue using and enjoying IncrediMail Premium features.
Vistit : www.incredimail.com